Babe of the Day - Angelina Jolie

Perfection, personified.
Related Links:
The Angelina Jolie Photo Gallery
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Official Site)
Mr and Mrs. Smith- IMDB
Apple - Trailers - Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Rotten Tomatoes (Reviews)
many tanx for the blogrolling guy, I like your weblog about the Reds of Liverpool. I'll contact you for the next football season to have a banner from you when I'll put the links section.
post scriptum: she'so sexxxxxy... I love her! the best babe at my view.
oh hell yeah!!
look at that jaw, the neck, the hair, the lips, legs, boobs - the woman is DEFINITELY perfect.
honestly, i'd do her - any fucking day.
i must be doing something right as i'm attracting women interested in 'doing' other women :)
Nice legs. What time do they open?
Truely God's gift to the world, in more ways than one.
I do not need a picture to give an opinion on this bade of the day because I have seen her before, she was so hot and sensual with those fleshy lips, now she is old and too skinny
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