Tuesday, March 15, 2005

London Underground

London Underground

A website dedicated to what people have been overheard saying on the Tube.

1. She's desperate to get broadband and I think we both know why.

2. A lot of journalists secretly fancy Roy Keane. There's no other explanation for it. They want a bit of rough.

3. Ten years ago I was in college and she was twelve. Twelve!

4. How old is John Terry? He looks about forty.

5. She's not going to believe you. I don't believe you and I was there.

6. I can fit my whole fist inside.

7. Lisa's cousin let one off in my face and it burnt my face.

8. I got chocolate money, but it was Euros.... I felt very modern.

9. I took paracetamol. Then aspirin. Then ibuprofen. But I feel worse than ever.

10. She has an acidic vagina

Here's the rest


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