Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Funny Answers

The following are ACTUAL answers given by contestants on The "Family Fortunes" TV show.

Name a scary animal
A squirrel

Name a food you don't have to chew
Chips (this was from the MD of a soup manufacturers...)

Name something a blind person might use
A sword

Name a bird with a long neck
Naomi Campbell

Name an occupation where you need a torch
A burglar

Name a dangerous race
The Arabs

Name an item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers
A horse

Name something that floats in the bath

Name something you wear on the beach
A deck-chair

Name a famous cowboy
Buck Rogers

Name a famous royal

Name a number you have to memorise

Name something you do before going to bed

Name something you put on walls

Name something that flies that doesn't have an engine
A bicycle with wings

Name something you might be allergic to

Name a famous bridge
The bridge over troubled waters

Name something a cat does
Goes to the toilet

Name something you do in the bathroom

Name an animal you might see at the zoo
A dog

Name something associated with the police

Name a sign of the zodiac

Name something slippery
A conman

Name a kind of ache
Fillet 'O' Fish

Name a famous Scotsman

Name another famous Scotsman
Vinnie Jones

Name something with a hole in it

Name a non-living object with legs
A plant

Name a domestic animal
A leopard

Name a part of the body beginning with 'N'

Name a way of cooking fish

Name something red
My cardigan


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