What Celebrity Do You Look Like?!

This website thinks its too clever. You can upload your pic and it comes up with pics of celebrities you allegedly look like.
I'm a bit paranoid about posting my photo on the interweb so I've used Stevie G instead. Try with yours and let us know what you got!
I'm a bit paranoid about posting my photo on the interweb so I've used Stevie G instead. Try with yours and let us know what you got!
i tried it with Xabi and got
Johny Depp
Pierce Brosnan
Shahrukh khan
I'm Posting Gerrard one on F365.
BTW i'm missing Babe Of the Day.
Hey Jimmy,
Shahruk Khan!!? lol.
by the way, i've got enough links on the right for some of the blogs that have massive galleries - check them out!
Gerrard - Takeshi kaneshiro???
they're totally different to me!
check it out:
Danny poo lol i did it also omg i have the link to show you..ill just email it to you..i was matched up with two Victoria's Secret models and some weird chick lol ..ttyl hunny..ciao
I've got Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, & Benicio Del Toro!
Actually tried it a few times with the same pic, Orlando Bloom & Jude Law are always there, but the 3rd pic seems to be random.. I've got Gary Sinise & Jet Li before as well..
lol @ anon. - always thought lampard was a cardboard face!
orlando bloom and jude law? thats what I get too.
Alina - Thats so accurate isn't it? you do look so much like that weird chick.
loveuamy - we're waiting for yours.
Helen Hunt
Samantha Mumba
Winona Ryder
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