Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Jessica Simpson: Dumb Moments

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“I think there's a difference between ditzy and dumb. Dumb is just not knowing. Ditzy is having the courage to ask!”

“I respect knowledge of the psyche. I would be a therapist if I weren't an entertainer.”

“At school my boobs were bigger than all my friends' and I was afraid to show them. Now, I feel they make my outfits look better. They're like an accessory.”

“On my first day of Jr. High I was in Geography class, and the teacher asked us if anybody knew the names of the continents. And I was sooo excited. I was like, Damnit! It's my first day of 7th grade, Im in jr high and i know this answer. So i raised my hand I was the first one and I said A-E-I-O-U!”

“Jessica: Ooh I love this scent.
Friend: What is it?
Jessica: Ah...oh, it's unscented.”

“Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken by the Sea.'”

“Twenty-three is old. It's almost 25, which is like almost mid-20s.”

“'Jessica, you want some buffalo wings?' 'Sorry I don't eat buffalo.'”

“I`m such a blonde . It just doesn`t make sense for me to have dark hair”

I had very big boobs at a young age, and it kept me from a lot of things in the church. I couldn't sing solos because supposedly the men lusted when I would get up there.

You've done a great job decorating the White House. [to U.S. Secretary of the Interior Gale Ann Norton]

I want to be a diva, like 'people-totally-respect-my-music' diva, not diva like 'carry-my-diet-Coke-around'.

Growing up I was always the blonde that everybody made fun of, and I just played into that, because that was how I got the guys. That's how I charmed people.

I laugh a lot. It burns lots of calories.

I'm not anorexic, I'm from Texas! Are there anorexics in Texas?

Musically, my dream is to do what Norah Jones did. I can't play the piano, but to sit next to it and just sing.

My whole life I've played the role of the blonde. It's always worked for me. It's a good thing...but it can also be a bad thing if you get labeled as the 'dumb blonde' all the time.

“My dad takes care of me as a manager and as a dad, ... That's his job, you know, to take care of me. He has my best interests at heart.”

“I have to go... drop some kids in the pool.”

“... I can't say I won't ever want an Oscar role, but I don't really take myself serious right now.”

“I don`t think people would take me seriously . They take me seriously as a blonde”


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