Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Cyberlove ends in a shock!

A lovelorn Jordanian couple who began a sizzling relationship on the internet found out they were already married to each other.

The cheating pair were on a seven-month break when they thought they had found their ideal partners on the net.

Over three months they cavorted in cyberspace, swapping dreams, making wedding plans and plotting how to leave their partners for good.

Bakr Melhem passed himself off as Adnan while wife Sanaa said she was called Jamila, an unmarried lady of culture who was interested in reading and was a devout Muslim.

Eventually they could contain themselves no longer and agreed to meet at a bus depot where the clandestine wedding plans would be finalised and their love confirmed.

It was there that the awful truth dawned on both parties - they were man and wife. The Petra news agency said Bakr turned white and screamed: "You are divorced, divorced, divorced" - the traditional way of ending a marriage.
Sanaa fainted.
The details of the case were revealed during the subsequent divorce hearing.

Comments: Let me just correct this last bit - That is NOT the correct way of divorcing in Islam. True you have to say it three times but they can't be at the same time.

I'm not highly religious at all and don't really know much about the religion but I do know that you gotta say it (i'm divorcing you) on three different occasions - just so the you both get time to think about it and maybe change your decision rather than divorcing and regretting it.

And yes, you can't divorce someone when they're pregnant. Which is very sensible.


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