Champions of Europe!

I've learnt a great lesson in life after last night.
There are times when all hope deserts you. Just as Murphy described, when you think it can't get any worse, it does.
I was nervous alright - after the first minute goal by Milan I was shitting myself. But I had hope. I've seen this Liverpool side perform miracles and I believed they could come back from one goal back.
That was when the second one struck.
I asked myself, is this it? Is this the part where the dream finally ends? The games against Chelski, Juventus, Olympiacos, was that all a sweet dream? We had our fair share of luck but will this be where it deserts us?
And then the third.
I felt numb. Something was breaking inside me. Its over, finished, i texted my mate who was up watching the game on the other side of the planet. Another friend of mine, a Chelski supporter, texted me saying what had been possible if it was chelski who faced Milan in the final, and that liverpool didn't deserve to be there.
I didn't have anything to say to that. Steven Gerrard's goal against Olypiacos, Garcia's incredible shot over the Juventus goalkeeper, all of it was playing in my head like a movie. That was the first time I had tears in my eyes.
The thought of giving up and going home entered my mind, I'm afraid to admit. But it was quickly replaced by the commitment to Liverpool Football Club, supporting it through thick and thin over the years. If nothing, I could say I stood and waited till the end hoping for a miracle even though deep in my heart I knew this was beyond a miracle.
Defying a 3-0 scoreline is nearly impossible enough, to do it against AC Milan and the way they were pissing all over us - was something that not even the most optimist of supporters would have dared thunk. We, the supporters had conceded victory. The look on the face of the fans said it all. Many were in tears and heartbroken. Their dream had ended.
But Steven Gerrard hadn't read the script. He was too busy writing it.
His header went in and we saw him screaming to the rest of the team 'lets fucking do it now'. The next six minutes will forever be part of folklore on not just merseyside, but around the world. Liverpool were 3-3 and were were witnessing officially the best comeback in the history of the game. Words will never be enough to script what all Liverpool supporters felt last night.
And the lesson I learnt was simple.
Walk on, through the wind
Walk on, through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Unreal. Totally, totally unreal. But we are the CHAMPIONS of Europe. My ManUSA pal texted me at half time to snigger. Boy, is he going to get it back in kind now...
COngrats to the reds - Its a dream come true for even the fans
Been up all night drinking champagne out of Liverpool mugs, off to the pub in a bit....God help us!!
Big thanks to Jerzy and Vladi - If that was your last game lads, you did us proud.
Vive la Rafalution, and welcome home big ears - we missed you.
Best match /ev4r/. Over here something like Dudek's extra time stop would simply become known as "The Save". Michael Jordan made The Shot. Dwight Clark made The Catch, and Jerzy Dudek made The Save. Unbelievable. I just downloaded and even knowing what was going to happen, I can't believe what I just saw.
Gratz all, and thanks for dragging a Yank along for the ride. If I hadn't found your site random blogging a while back, I wouldn't have known enough to care.
simply incredible...amazing amazing amazing!!
We are the Kings of Europe!!
Just the sight of seeing Gerrard lifting the Cup is sheer bliss & i swear that i cried.
what can i even say? simply awesome. AWE-SOME!
FA cup final was nothing infront of this. simply out standing perfomance.
I won't be able to talk or think about anything else for the next couple of weeks AT LEAST, because it was quite honestly the best game I've seen in my life.
Harry Kewell was a mistake though.
Sean: I know wot u mean mate, there was a big lump in my throat watching stevie g celebrate wildly and when he lifted the cup, i couldn't hold on anymore and the tears were following freely.
Thank you liverpool, thank you to all the squad members and the staff. Thank you God for this wonderful day, we've waited patiently for 21 years and when it came, it was the sweetest moment.
Goose: All's forgiven for dudek after that! I hope UEFA do chnge their mind cuz champions league without the champions is fuckall.
anonymous: SAY IT AGAIN BABY - ps. who r u n wht led u to this blog?
teeth: Still feel like dreaming mate! hasnt sunk in
Benny C: jerzy and vladi were the heroes and i'll hate to see them go! we're back where we belong and what makes it the sweetest is that we get to keep the orignal cup, and a new one will have to be made!
MCSEY: This will always live in the hearts of the kop as the greatest save ever, alongwith the 2 he made in the shootout! You may be a yank but you're fast turning red, if you haven't already! Welcome to the club!
Sarah: I swear, never in my wildest dreams i could have imagine what liverpool did in the second half. it was nothing short of a miracle.
Val: You're so right! I hope this is just the start of many more to come
Cursed: Thanks so much
Adrian: Harry kewell was indeed a mistake - i hope he stops taking his place for granted and works his bollocks off, if he plays anything like he did at leeds, we've got a superstar
Thansk for your comments mate, where'd you find us?
Thanks everybody once again. YOULL NEVER WALK ALONE!
Just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on the success of your team.
scientist dan
Thanks scientist.
are the rumors true? are u really quitting the blogsphere?????
I only saw the last 30-40 minutes of the game, n I have to well done you farkin reds!!
dan, i thought about it.
cheeers piniyni :)
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