Nokia 888

Nokia's has come up with 888 which at the moment only exists on the drawing board but it looks awesome and once out (expected within 2-3 years) our designer conscious class would be showing it off. This bracelet-like 888, is envisioned to use a liquid battery, feature speech recognition, a flexible touch screen, and a touch sensitive body cover.
Check out Nokia’s future concepts at Design Awards where they show off the device’s potential features, including an alarm clock, PDA, GPS, phone, push email receiver, digital wallet and, of course, jewelry. Source Yanko Design
Dan give me a call we can have some phone fun ;) b4 i leave for my trip...missing you baby...
wot the hell are you on about? who is dis!?
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get on yahoo and i will tell u who i am
I hate to break up you're little tryst, but this nokia it for real? I want one, do they come in black?
Danny poo i miss u soo much...and lets just say ur tongue has magic :)...muah my hunny bunny
kathi - apparently its the winning design in nokia's design awards thingy and will be put into production - wont be out for the next 2-3 years
dirty dan - i feel sorry 4 u m8...
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