Fancy a cup of..... cow piss? Only if you're Indian!

Apparently cow urine is the hot new drink in India. I'm not sure what people believe to be the health benefits of it, but there's a brisk market in sales of the stuff. The only problem is the nasty smell.
A few suppliers even have suggestions for battling the odour. "You can kill the smell if you add some essence while consuming it. But if you store it in a bottle again, the odour returns," says Lakshmanananda of another ashram in Gandipet, on the outskirts of the city.
Demand is so strong that it's even spawning a market for fake cow urine:
As cow urine does booming business, can the fakes be far behind? The city has a supply of about 500 litres a day, but now buffalo urine and that of other animals are being passed off as the real thing. "Spurious products have sprung up from nowhere," says Prashant Kumar Vyas, a supplier from Siddiambar bazaar.
Times of India: Cow Urine for Dazzling Teeth
Only Cow's Urine and Dung are Pure in India
Actual Cow's Urine Aftershave and Other Products
The Daily Telegraph, UK: Bottled Cow Urine
What do Hindu Nationalists Smell Like?
Move over Coke, cow urine is the new drink of choice in health-conscious Hyderabad.
Do you know Paki, your ffucking CE General Pervez Musharraf agreed to import from India the entire supply of yearly Indian urine and make you all Pakis drink it as a tonic to improve Pakistan economic situation.
Your ffucking CE General Pervez Musharraf will do anything to follow Indian foot steps. So, be glad Indian are providing Pakis with Indian urine.
LOL, I bet your mum's so proud of you ain't she?
And watch your language or I'm gonna have to start deleting your comments
LOL, I bet your mum's so proud of you ain't she?
coz i ain't no terrorist
And watch your language or I'm gonna have to start deleting your comments
like i fucking care..
really sad to fight with another kop.
really sad to fight with another kop
Sometimes you've got to learn to take it on the chin, smile, and move on. I've posted jokes about babies, black people, white people, irish, yanks, scots, aussies, muslims, everyone but nobody's ever been as offended as you've been.
Where are you from anyway? Howcome you're supporting liverpool?
KOLKATA, India (AFP) - Police in eastern India are hunting a groom who quit his marriage ceremony midway when his bride's parents said they could not meet his dowry demand of a motorcycle, an official said.
Rajiv Shaw, 31, walked out of the ceremony at Chitpur on the outskirts of the West Bengal state capital of Calcutta Saturday after springing the surprise demand, police official Sheikh Abdul Rajjack said.
The bride's mother, Urmila Devi, said her daughter's marriage with Shaw, an autorickshaw driver, was fixed last November.
She had handed over 65,000 rupees (1,480 dollars) in cash besides furniture, kitchen utensils and gold ornaments as a dowry.
"Rajiv demanded a motorcycle on the day of marriage," Devi said.
"My husband is an employee in a local electric shop. We have sold out everything to get our daughter married. It's beyond our reach to give him a motorcycle," she told AFP.
Police were on the lookout for Shaw after arresting his father and the matchmaker who arranged the wedding on charges of seeking dowry, Rajjack said.
Although the demanding and giving of a dowry was officially banned in 1961, the practice continues.
Every year, about 6,000 women are killed in India -- often doused with kerosene and set on fire in staged kitchen "accidents" -- or harassed into suicide by husbands and in-laws angered by unmet dowry demands.
tell me how do i smile om this one.
aren't u spreading negative feeling towards india??
i have no problem with the pics (on a lighter note..funny)
i 'm from Mumbai.
I also posted a few days ago criticizing the muslims who've been violently protesting against the cartoons, does that mean i'm suggesting that all muslims are terrorists? I post a lot of stories every week mate and they're from all over the world. It was a bit shocking really, which is why i posted it, nothing to do with India.
I pick my stories for their shock and entertainment value, not based on their geographical location. Or occasionally something that I feel strongly about.
Didn't mean to offend you, or any other Indians.
"You can kill the smell if you add some essence while consuming it"
Essence of what???
BTW Dan I have a receeding hairline so no bald jokes or I'm gonna have to take a contract out on you after I've given you a severe, rational ticking off. You have been warned! Long live the merkin!!
Essence of what???
I'd go for vanilla. Or you could have the flavoured ones, like fanta does, citrus, apple, strawberry, poo, depends on taste really!
BTW Dan I have a receeding hairline so no bald jokes or I'm gonna have to take a contract out on you after I've given you a severe, rational ticking off. You have been warned! Long live the merkin!!
lol alright convict i'll let you off - isn't the goose bald too? and the badger? is there a pattern here
Dan keep doin' what you doin'.I like the stuff you post.Some people have no sense of humor.And BTW can we PLEASE!! get a striker that put it in the back of the net.We need someone to show up against ManU this week.
Dan keep on doing the work. Talking about Pervez Musharraf. We love PM. He has revolutionized Pakistan. Nobody gives a damn to what indian prime minister say...whenever Pervez Musharraf gives a speech...CNN,BBC..whole world is tuned into it :).
with regards
Dunno about Badger, but Goose definitely is ... in fact I think he's considering changing his name to Coot
Fuck u all mother fuckers...who posted this.
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