Just saw them photos of the demonstrations in London

and I'm absolutely horrified by the hypocritical twats holding violent banners protesting against being projected as.. being violent...!
This whole cartoons saga is shambles - The original cartoons when they appeared weren't exactly in very good taste OR funny but nobody really took notice, people moved on, some probably stopped buying that danish newspaper and thats the most I would've done too, but that was it, four months ago. And during the Hajj it was the Saudis who tried to divert the attention from the stampede deaths by bringing up this issue again and recalling their diplomatic staff. Twats of the highest order. And now its all spiralling out of control!
The twats with the banners, I'd love to ask them what part of Islam actually allows them to be so cuntish and talk about 'beheading infidels' etc.
According to hadith and the account of Prophet Mohamed's life, you cannot stop people from making fun of your beliefs, what you can do is take it on the chin and ignore it. During the early days of Islam there was an old lady in Medina who used to throw rubbish at the Prophet and scream obscenities while he was on the way to his mosque. However, he never asked for her to be beheaded. Instead, when one day she didn't appear as usual while he was on his way to the mosque, he actually went to her door to find out if she was okay.
There are hundreds of other examples the Prophet has set for us to follow, stressing on tolerance more than anything else, and what we have is a handful of cunts acting in the name of MY religion giving the rest of us a bad name.
NOTE: Its almost a little weird, that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the banners seems to be written on the same paper, by the same person (handwriting). This looks like someone's made the most out of a fantastic opportunity.
I'm sorry but those kind of things should not be allowed in England, I know that there are rights and freedom of speech but this is ridiculous we let the enemy live in our own country. These people hate us and we should kick them out whenever we have the chance. Let them go back to their muslim countries and hate us all they want...BUT AWAY FROM ENGLAND. And if they are british well we just take the nationality away from them and spare ourselves some shame. I am a peaceful person but i am fed up with these idiots threatening us. I don't think this is a holy war but there is a limit to the amount of patience someone can have... Damn these bastards make me angry. Oh and be the way Liverpool Rules!!!
these guys r just idiots who dunno any shit about islam.i am no muslim but i do know that no religeon in the world encourges its followers to slay those who insult the religeo.doing that is not going to make people stop talking but it will make people talk more.9/11 made people hate muslims especially those from middle east.another insiden like 9/11,muslims around the world will taken as terrorists.
anonymous (1st one) I hope you do understand that its the extremist minority which is extremely vocal when it comes to trying to make the most of opportunities such as this
I am most worried for those who don't know any better that will interpret these bozo's as actual Muslims, instead of the fakes that they are. I've begun reading the Qur'an (in English, no less) and pretty much the first section is overflowing with phrases along the lines of "but don't try to justify it, because Allah knows your heart" I've only found, so far, reference to fuss-making when the daily worships are interrupted but as soon as they're unobstructed, you gotta quit making a fuss. It seems very much like people who are insanely-violent are merely masquerading as Islam followers just so they can exploit it to do their own will and bring down religion at the same time.
The rest of them probably can't spell! :D heh
Its kind of funny that when some of them took to the streets to protest in London, they were waving signs saying "DOWN DOWN TO THE UK" or "DOWN WITH THE EU", both of which had absolutely nothing to do with the danish newspapers or the comic strip. Its ridiculous really, taking advantage of the situation to just go to the streets and have some fun muttering nonsense.
Not to be offensive, but I recall (you might as well), that lots of political parties and muslim groups were issuing statements after the London Bombings and other terrorist attacks saying that "Islam Is a religion of peace". Now it just doesn't match, does it? They were threatening death to the editor, the artist and everyone involved, even the Danes who had nothing to do with it! They were just discriminating against all europeans, especially those from Denmark. Talk about fairness and equality! And the placards they are waving about in London are just plainly racist!
BTW, on a web search, these are some of the other quotes waved on placards by the mob:
“Whoever insults a prophet, kill him.” 'Nuff said...so much for peace
“Britain you will pay — 7/7 is on its way.” Well well....what do we have here?
“Denmark watch your back — Osama’s coming back.” And they arn't enough...tact can go to hell...
“Europe — take some lessons from 9-11”, Not much to be said at this point innit?
“Europe you will pay.” H A H A H A....kind of a generic statement isn't it?
Even though I don't know much about Islam, I certainly know that God is always forgiving and He doesn't want his people to give an eye for an eye. Therefore, I totally agree with what you say!
Buy Danish! Drink Carlsberg!! Fuck Islamism!!!
I don’t see how the people abusing Islam are any better.
These 'twarts' are not knowledgeable and jump to violence as resort. They are definitely not representatives. They are acting on their own accord.
I don't think violence is the key but shutting your mouth and watching while others berate your religion for no apparent reason is just cowardly.
This is extremism no doubt. Every religion is peaceful. Islam is too.
But it is unacceptable when people just label you a terrorist for being Muslim. Or start hating you just because they are from the Middle East. That’s just ridiculous. Why will they not hate you back if you hate them for something they didn’t do? Generalization and Stereotyping is causing havoc. The entire Middle East and Muslim society dint take part in 9/11 you know.
We can’t hate the Danes because a group of them printed moronic and baseless pictures.
Like wise you just can’t hate Muslims in general for the actions of some unknowledgeable ones.
very well said jummy
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