Blame Game
Did rooney cost us the game? or was it Ronaldo? or better still Frank Lampard who couldn't even hit a barn door with a beach ball at the moment?
Wayne Rooney

Although I'm glad that Rooney is getting less shit than Beckham did in 98 (probably because he's younger and not as good looking as Beckham), I don't think he should be completely absolved of the blame. Rooney and all of the 20 stone of him standing on Carvalho's bollocks, definately looked intentional. Before that point Rooney had looked increasingly frustrated thanks to Sven's tactics which isolated him upfront.
If you look at the video above, he's barely off-balance at all there, standing on one leg with no real trouble balancing. He kicks back with the other one in a blatant attempt to get Carvalho, not necessarily in the balls, but to give him a sly little kick because he'd just been fouled himself. Straight red, no doubt, although the referee seem to have missed it or didn't think it was as serious from where he was.
Rooney though was stupid and lost his temper, lashed out, got sent off making it extremely difficult for his team-mates. It's not the first time he's had a strop and thrown all his toys out of the pram and he'll probably do it again in the not-too-distant future.
Ironically it was the only after the sending off of England's wonderboy for whom the nation had been praying for weeks, that we witnessed England's best performance of this World Cup.
Frank Lampard

Frank Lampard has been England's worst player this tournament. He should not have taken a penalty when his confidence was so shot (obviously) as it was. He should not have remained on the field in lieu of Joe Cole when a midfielder had to be removed. He made an absolute hash of an incredible, open chance on goal before Rooney's sending off. Away from his shooting, his passing was awful today. That is something that hasn't gotten enough attention. He was brutal all tournament with his distribution, and even his defensive clearences on one or two occasions. He was the worst player to play consistently for a favoured nation at this tournament. He would have been dropped by any other side after four terrible games.
Wayne Rooney

Although I'm glad that Rooney is getting less shit than Beckham did in 98 (probably because he's younger and not as good looking as Beckham), I don't think he should be completely absolved of the blame. Rooney and all of the 20 stone of him standing on Carvalho's bollocks, definately looked intentional. Before that point Rooney had looked increasingly frustrated thanks to Sven's tactics which isolated him upfront.
If you look at the video above, he's barely off-balance at all there, standing on one leg with no real trouble balancing. He kicks back with the other one in a blatant attempt to get Carvalho, not necessarily in the balls, but to give him a sly little kick because he'd just been fouled himself. Straight red, no doubt, although the referee seem to have missed it or didn't think it was as serious from where he was.
Rooney though was stupid and lost his temper, lashed out, got sent off making it extremely difficult for his team-mates. It's not the first time he's had a strop and thrown all his toys out of the pram and he'll probably do it again in the not-too-distant future.
Ironically it was the only after the sending off of England's wonderboy for whom the nation had been praying for weeks, that we witnessed England's best performance of this World Cup.
Frank Lampard

Frank Lampard has been England's worst player this tournament. He should not have taken a penalty when his confidence was so shot (obviously) as it was. He should not have remained on the field in lieu of Joe Cole when a midfielder had to be removed. He made an absolute hash of an incredible, open chance on goal before Rooney's sending off. Away from his shooting, his passing was awful today. That is something that hasn't gotten enough attention. He was brutal all tournament with his distribution, and even his defensive clearences on one or two occasions. He was the worst player to play consistently for a favoured nation at this tournament. He would have been dropped by any other side after four terrible games.
All players have slumps. Fact. Lampard has let down himself, his teammates, his manager (who is at fault as well for his unjustified faith), his fellow professionals who voted for him as one of the world's top players (!), all non-English Chelsea fans who support their club's players internationally, his father, and his entire f**king Nation. Fact. I am absolutely gobsmacked how terrible he was in almost every minute of every match from start to finish of this tournament. It makes no sense to me, and I am just utterly distraught and sickened that a player - though always overrated - of such talent and quality could play so immensely terribly so consistently for such a long period of time, now. I can't believe how let down I am by Frank Lampard right now, and I know I don't speak only for myself.
Christiano Ronaldo (The fake one, they just call him that to sell more shirts)

What a prized cunt. I would pay to watch the scenes when he comes accross Rooney, the Neviller and Rio in the changing rooms at old trafford pre-season. The referee was in control of the situation and the only reason Mr. Cristiano came up to him was to get Rooney sent off, a point proven by him winking at the Portugal bench immediately afterwards as if to say 'Job done'. And looking at his sly headbutt at Rooney before kickoff (also in the above video) it does seem this was planned, doesn't it?
Sven Goran Erikkson

Not the brightest crayon in the box was he? His tactics have been all over the place and has looked clueless eversince he took charge. He didn't have the balls to drop Lampard when he was clearly our worst player, against the Sweden game at which point we had already qualified for the next round, or against the relatively easier Ecuadorian side. Had this been done and England played with the traditional 4-4-2, we might have actually seen some quality football with undeniable England's finest footballer, Steven Gerrard, in his preferred attacking role alongside Owen Hargreaves.
Even when Rooney seemed uncomfortable upfront on his own the Swede opted to sit Crouch on the bench who would've, if he had come on, pressurised defenders creating space for Rooney to operate from.
A word about Owen Hargreaves

England should now (hopefully with Mclaren in charge) revert to the 4-4-2 with Gerrard & Hargreaves in the middle who was absolutely immense. I admit haven't watched much of him as he plays his football in Germany but I never slated him either when he failed to put in decent performance in our earlier games, due to being played out of position. But on Saturday he shut a lot of people up with probably one of the best England performances you'll ever see by an England international. Well done fella. You were immense.
David Beckham - The End of a Childhood Dream

I have nothing but respect for this man.
David Beckham, the footballer, has been one of England's most valuable assets. A footballing genius, an inspirational leader, a man who took everything that was thrown his way and came out on top every single time, shutting people up with his performances on the pitch and you'd almost feel every time you tried to knock him down, he would get up even stronger. Admittedly he wasn't near his best form during the worldcup but it was his brilliance that saw us through Ecuador, and earlier, Paraguay. Here's a look at his five greatest contributions in an England shirt.
Christiano Ronaldo (The fake one, they just call him that to sell more shirts)

What a prized cunt. I would pay to watch the scenes when he comes accross Rooney, the Neviller and Rio in the changing rooms at old trafford pre-season. The referee was in control of the situation and the only reason Mr. Cristiano came up to him was to get Rooney sent off, a point proven by him winking at the Portugal bench immediately afterwards as if to say 'Job done'. And looking at his sly headbutt at Rooney before kickoff (also in the above video) it does seem this was planned, doesn't it?
Sven Goran Erikkson

Not the brightest crayon in the box was he? His tactics have been all over the place and has looked clueless eversince he took charge. He didn't have the balls to drop Lampard when he was clearly our worst player, against the Sweden game at which point we had already qualified for the next round, or against the relatively easier Ecuadorian side. Had this been done and England played with the traditional 4-4-2, we might have actually seen some quality football with undeniable England's finest footballer, Steven Gerrard, in his preferred attacking role alongside Owen Hargreaves.
Even when Rooney seemed uncomfortable upfront on his own the Swede opted to sit Crouch on the bench who would've, if he had come on, pressurised defenders creating space for Rooney to operate from.
A word about Owen Hargreaves

England should now (hopefully with Mclaren in charge) revert to the 4-4-2 with Gerrard & Hargreaves in the middle who was absolutely immense. I admit haven't watched much of him as he plays his football in Germany but I never slated him either when he failed to put in decent performance in our earlier games, due to being played out of position. But on Saturday he shut a lot of people up with probably one of the best England performances you'll ever see by an England international. Well done fella. You were immense.
David Beckham - The End of a Childhood Dream

I have nothing but respect for this man.
David Beckham, the footballer, has been one of England's most valuable assets. A footballing genius, an inspirational leader, a man who took everything that was thrown his way and came out on top every single time, shutting people up with his performances on the pitch and you'd almost feel every time you tried to knock him down, he would get up even stronger. Admittedly he wasn't near his best form during the worldcup but it was his brilliance that saw us through Ecuador, and earlier, Paraguay. Here's a look at his five greatest contributions in an England shirt.
Bem nem me vou dar ao trabalho de escrever em ingles... Isso é que é mau perder, coitado do rroney agrediu mas foi sem querer! O ronaldo quando ee foi expulso por ser colega de equipa, devia ter pedido ao arbitro pa sair também, só por solidariedade! e já agora o que que pensam do nosso RICARDO??? podemos nao ir á final, mas temos jogo no sábado e voces? como tá ai o tempo em inglaterra?
Well said. Rooney was reckless to stomp on the guy's ball right. in. front. of. a referee, but I don't blame him totally. Oddly, England actually seemed to play better without him. Cristiano Ronaldo is a prized fucktard and I was delighted to hear booing of him on the game against France. God, I loathe him.
Sven and his crappy tactics have basically squandered a golden era for football. We had some amazing talent, yet why was Lampard always in the lineup, even when he was so consistently shoddy? it just isn't right. Thr 4-1-4-1 is also one of the queerest things I've ever encountered in my entire life. And the part that stings the most is that I really dig me some Crouch, and had England progressed into the semis, I would have seen more of him. Gar.
Anon. Eu pensei que Ricardo era grande. Eu concordo também, que rooney era errado, mas que ronaldo era também errado!
Mystic - whats amazing about crouch is he really adds another dimension to the team. Just look at liverpool's results whenever he's played! Sven didn't have the balls to take risks or experiment - i'm sure we'll see a lot of the footballers coming out now and voicing their opinion on what they thought were his mistakes. Although most of the blame does lie with him, its also easier to blame someone who's already on his way rather than some of our players who should've done a lot better.
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