Metarazzi tweaked his nipple!

What was he thinking?! I couldn't believe it and sat numb for a few minutes as the realization set in that what should've been a fitting end to a glorious career, turned into a horrible, horrible nightmare.
Football is a funny old game. Zidane's future was decided by two unrelated incidents separated by minutes. Had his first header found the back of the net, the French would've been celebrating yet another world cup and would owe it all to the greatest footballer of our generation, Zinedine Zidane. As it turns out, his header was saved, and his second header unfortunately was on Metarazzi's chest.
The most logical explanation seems to be that Materazzi was taking the piss out of Zidane for his header which Buffon saved minutes earlier, a bit of gentle teasing, which Zidane laughs off. Then as Zidane walks away, Materazzi adds snidely 'I'll give you a lesson in heading like my goal'. Zidane responds by demonstrating to Materazzi he can head just fine thanks.
Reports from France suggest the following is the exchange that took place between the two.
Zidane holding his shirt says to to Materazzi:
ZZ: "Ordinanza de tirare il costume!!" (stop pulling on my shirt!!)
MM": "Taciti, enculo, hai solamente cio che merite..." (shut up f*cker, you only get what you deserve)
ZZ: "si e cio..." (yes, sure...)
While Zidane starts to move away, Materazzi goes:
MM: "meritate tutti ciĆ², voi gli enculato di musulmani, sporchi terroristici" (all of you deserve that, f*cking Muslims, terrorist b*stards)
Personally, I still have respect and admiration for theman. He's a great player, with a great career and great achievements. Yet still he put his reputation aside to give effect to his spur of the moment flash of anger and give Materazzi what he (probably) deserved. Without fear of the global stage he was performing on he stood up for himself and put honour before reputation. Maybe he let his team down, but personally I doubt he'll have many regrets. He's proved that not only is he a great player, but also that nobody f*cks with him either

*Raises glass to Zizou*
Violence with class.

I dont feel sad for what Zidane did, for I will still respect him for being one of the greatest players of his generation.
Must have taken some balls to do that thought, I mean in the world cup final? With the whole world watching? Wow what an exit from football.
I wonder what Zidanes last words were before he struck Materazzi?
I have a sugesstion....."Im the Juggernaut..Bitch"
Excellent tribute there Dan
omg what the heck?
haha anyway those gifs are class! cheers.
what's up with that 2nd comment above?
btw, i agree mojo. that was an excellent tribute.
"Without fear of the global stage he was performing on he stood up for himself and put honour before reputation."
well said. the media is going on and on about how he ended it in disgrace and shame.. etc. i don't think so. neither do i think that he'll ever regret it, i hope he doesnt! better to live the moment and do what you have to do, rather than spend the rest of your life regreting that you give materazzi what he deserved, when you had the chance.
you *didnt* give
You cant do that as a professional footballer. I expect that type of behaviour from Rooney or Beckham but not Zidane. If someone talks shit to you. You talk twice the shit back. Attacking someone is for players who want to let their team down or Manchester United fans.
Zidane (Note that I hate France and never wanted them to win; this is just a take on what Zidane should of done instead) should of won the cup and then bad mouth Materazzi's mother, father, sister, brother and both his grandparents. During the press conference if he was smart... Unfortunately he took the Eric Cantona approach.
Never knew the french were so good at Kung-Fu
Materazzi, must have said something pretty bad, to piss him off with only 10 minutes left in the game.
Yes, I know sticks and stones and all that crap, well at some point people crack and I'm sure ZZ was pushed well past his boiling point.
The only bad thing that came out of it was that he didn't aim 8 inches higher and break the bastards nose!
Sorry Zidane, I don't have the time to read you're whole comment, so you could have many points (I don't know, 'cause I haven't read them), but your first is flawed; Gen 21v14 doesn't claim that Hagar carried Ishmael, but that they together carried the water and bread. You need to replace "along with the child" with "and the child's" if you want a more accurate translation.
As for the assumption that it must be assumed that he is a baby, "because they don't talk", is you reading something from nothing.
If there's time I'll come back and look at the rest of what you've said, but if it's as false as you first point that may prove to be a waste of my time.
you got the reference for the lip reading translation?
personally i think the eye tie deserved what he got! shower of cheating diving w**kers, only a the step above the portuguese in evolutionary stakes!
Give me a break. If you say the Italians were divers. Ok then I'd like to point out that all the French did was whining to the referee hoping that they could get another penalty shot. Infact that's all Henry was doing all game. "oh I was tripped", "oh he pushed me", "oh I had a breakthrough season in Arsenal dont you know who I am, give me a penatly shot"
France didn't deserve the penalty shot in the Italia vs France game and they didnt deserve the penalty shot in the France vs Portugal game. If you ask me the French were the real Cheats. But that's why I dont like to bring stuff like that up. Because if you say one team is a cheat then someone can bring up something about your team proving that your team is a cheat. And the record the Portuguese arent cheats... Cristiano Ronaldo is the fucking cheat. He learned it while playing for Manchester United a team full with Cheats...
Italians cheat...? No...
Vicious elbow to McBride which split his face (McBride would have rolled around for a half hour if he was Italian)
Bullshit penalty against the Aussies.
Racist slurs on the field.
Something about a Siere A scandal...
Spitting in the face of a Danish player in 2004 then lying about it.
I hate to see the Italians win. They embody everything that made me quit playing soccer for rugby years ago.
ROFLCOPTER!!! Basing an entire nation on stereotype...
Anyways Dan I thought you should of posted the Zidane Head butt video game for everyone to play...
here the link:
Hey S.
I think it was one of these:
how you been?
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