Friday, September 02, 2005

What elz can you do with...

Following on from our Other Uses of Coke post, here's a list of stuff you can do with Smirnoff Vodka.

Keep aphids off houseplants. Wash aphids off houseplants with tap water, then dab the leaves with a cotton ball dipped in Smirnoff Vodka. Do not use alcohol on delicate plants like African violets.

Shine chrome and glass bathroom fixtures. Soak a soft, clean cloth with Smirnoff Vodka and shine.

Remove hair spray from mirrors. Soak a soft, clean cloth with Smirnoff Vodka and wipe mirrors clean.

Clean crystal and porcelain ornaments. Dampen a cloth with Smirnoff Vodka and carefully clean the knickknacks.

Clean the caulking around bathtubes. Fill a spray bottle with Smirnoff Vodka, spray the caulking, wait five minutes, and wash clean.

Clean a chandelier. Spray the chandelier with a solution of four teaspoons Smirnoff Vodka in one pint water, then let it drip dry over a plastic sheet.

Clean eyeglass lenses. Simply wipe the lenses with a soft, clean cloth dampened in Smirnoff Vodka.

Remove grass stains from clothes. Rub the stain with a clean cloth soaked in Smirnoff Vodka, then rinse thoroughly.

Clean jewelry. Soak the jewelry in Smirnoff Vodka for five minutes, then rinse, and dry.

Clean lipstick from clothing. Rub the stain with Smirnoff Vodka, then throw into your regular wash.

Remove the glue left behind by a bumper sticker. Rub the glue with a soft, clean cloth soaked with Smirnoff Vodka.

More Wacky Uses of Other Stuff from Look at This


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Btw, what happened to Henna??? haven't seen her around for a looong time...

Blogger Dirty Dan said...

she still logs on every now and then but can't be bothered with blogging anymore... plus she's back at college so i guess she's a bit busier now...


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