Monday, December 11, 2006

Some silly fun...

First, pick the first letter of your LAST name:

A: I sucked on
B: I ate
C: I killed
D: I licked
E: I stabbed
F: I sat on
G: I f*cked
H: I slapped
I: I made out with
J: I raped
K: I bit
L: I played with
M: I sh*t on
N: I kissed
O: I grabbed
P: I kicked
Q: I laid
R: I p*ssed on
S: I shot
T: I humped
U: I fingered
V: I watched
W: I punched
X: I stripped for
Y: I ran away from
Z: I made

Now pick your DAY of birth:

1: a dog
2: myself
3: a telephone
4: a tree
5: a cat
6: my mom
7: paper
8: a chair
9: a computer
10: a book
11: a moose
12: your mom
13: a dead person
14: a rat
15: poo
16: a librarian
17: a blade of grass
18: a teacher
19: a window
20: a door
21: a desk
22: a cup
23: coffee
24: you
25: a pie
26: a bird
27: a llama
28: it
29: a cupcake
30: a hooker
31: my dad

Now pick your birth month:

January: because im gay
February: because i was p*ssed off
March: because im mentally ill
April: because I was horny
May: because I was bored
June: because I wanted to
July: Because Im cool
August: because its a hobby
September: because I can
October: because I had to take a crap
November: because I am lonley
December: because you're a bitch

What did ya get??


Blogger Dirty Dan said...

Librarians eh!? Lol whatever rocks your boat !

by the way, I licked a bird cuz I'm mentally ill :-|

Anonymous Anonymous said...

great post Dan I came up with.

I slapped a hooker because it's a hobby.(It should say because it's my hobby)

I might have to take this to work or post it in a forum

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fucked a pie cos I'm mentally ill.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shot a blade of grass because I was bored

makes sense to meee

Blogger Dirty Dan said...

Lol there's some nice ones there no doubt!

Wonder if any of you was born on the 13th of Match and has a name that starts with the letter 'a'? :-D

U, 31st November would be wrong on so many levels

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I licked your mom because I can!

Blogger jummy bear said...

I bit IT because I can!!!!!

Here's some silly fun for you:
1. What's it.
2. Now figure out everyone's last name initial, DoB and Month.
This way maybe you'll remember mine next year round.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I slapped a librarian because i was p*ssed off


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