American Pie: The movie starts out with a teen boy watching a porn flick on cable TV (audio present) -- and he is doing that which the entertainment industry and pansexualists want you to think about what teenage boys do if watching sexual material alone in their bedroom. The boy also performed this act with an apple pie, thus the name of the show. There are scenes with all the sounds and motions of oral sex -- more than once. One of the recipients of this 'favor' deposited into a cup of beer which was later drank by another boy. I am sorry folks, but it was there! Right on the screen! And if your kids go to see this movie, they will see and hear it! Plain and simple. There is much, much more regarding the attention to detail the producers went to, but I WILL NOT speak of that.
There were a lot of sexual offers, requests, and invitations; lots of bragging of sexual conquest, planning of sexual conquest, and BEING a sexual conquest; and talk, comments, and innuendo about sex. And on top of that there were at least four instances of teen drinking. And rear male nudity. Who knows (or cares) about what was in the rest of the show? I will never know. :o)
Almost forgot. The most foul of foul words? Yes, eight times. God's name in vain? Yes, six times. Teen drinking? Yes, four times. And much more. In just 44 minutes.
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