The coverage on the Oscars would be all over the media anyway for the next few days, so I won't bore you lot with discussing it here as well. Instead, I've digged up some of the memorable Oscar quotes from the past, as the
The Academy Awards always throws up some pearls of wisdom from the great and the good of Hollywood"I feel like Adam when he said to Eve, 'Back up, I don't know how big this gets.'" -
Robin Williams, before opening an envelope for best supporting actress at the 71st Academy Awards.
"Welcome to the Academy Awards, a glittering two hours of entertainment, spread out over four hours. For those of you taping this on Betamax, you're under arrest." - The late
Johnny Carson at the 1979 bash.
"If there's one thing that actor’s know - other than that there weren’t any WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) - it's that there is no such thing as best in acting." -
Sean Penn.
"Despite what the Wall Street Journal says, our awards are the best-kept secret in America, with the possible exception of what George W. Bush did in the Seventies." -
Billy Crystal gets political in 2003.
"I voted for Seabiscuit, because I thought that was the most realistic horse costume I had ever seen in my life." -
Billy Crystal, again, commenting on the Costume Design award given to Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King.
"Do you know that people are moving to New Zealand just to be thanked?" - Billy Crystal, after Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King won yet another award.
"I think you oughtta give me an Oscar just for attendance." - Long-time Oscar host Bob Hope in 1986.
"For the first time, you can actually see the losers turn green." - Bob Hope, hosting the first "in-colour" televised Oscar ceremony in 1965.
"Every time an Oscar is given out, an agent gets his wings." - Kathy Bates at the 2003 Academy Awards.
"One day you're filling out applications to be a waiter, and the next you're nominated for an Oscar. This business is crazy." - Alec Baldwin's response to being nominated for a best supporting actor Oscar for The Cooler in 2004.
"I hope to God I don't win an Oscar. It would really depress me if I did." - Dustin Hoffman before losing the best actor award to Rod Steiger in 1967.
"The only way to find the best actor would be to let everybody play Hamlet and let the best man win." - Humphrey Bogart in 1951. The year he won best actor for The African Queen.
"Babe: Pig in the City. Wasn't that the Linda Tripp Story?" - Whoopi Goldberg, hosting the 1999 Academy Awards.
"The Oscar is the most valuable, but least expensive, item of world-wide public relations ever invented by any industry." - Frank Capra, upon winning best director in 1936 for Mr Deeds Goes To Town.
"I'd like to thank Jack Nicholson or making being in a mental institution like being in a mental institution. I loved being hated by you" - Louise Fletcher, picking up her best actress award in 1976 for One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
"I'm thrilled, happy, delighted - sober!" - Maureen Stapleton, as she was awarded best supporting actress for Reds.
"Not nearly as exciting as it would be if I were acknowledged as one of the greatest lays in the world." - It's Maureen Stapleton again, when she was later asked by the press how it felt to be recognized as one of the greatest actresses in the world.
"Whoever Keyser Soze is, I can tell you he is going to get gloriously drunk tonight." - Kevin Spacey accepts best supporting actor in 1995 and makes reference to his Usual Suspects alter-ego.
"I would like to be Jupiter and kidnap everybody and take them to the firmament and make love to everybody". It could only be Roberto Benigni, winner for Life Is Beautiful.
"The first time I didn't feel it but this time I feel it and I can't deny the fact that you like me - right now, you like me!" - Sally Field in 1985 as she gets the best actress award in 1984 for Places In The Heart.